Martial arts Brisbane

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Aiki Jutsu, open hand, classes are held on Monday and Wednesday nights from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m.

Battojutsu and Jojutsu, sword and staff classes, are held on Tuesday nights from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m.


Training is at Rocks Riverside Park in Seventeen Mile Rocks. For more precise location details, please contact one of the instructors.


Note - prior notice is required if you wish to attend any weapons class, so that spare katana, bokuto or jo, and hakama can be made available.



New students are welcome to try their first two classes at no cost, if you choose to continue, then the following gesha applies:

$85 per month for adults



Payment is seen as an expression of committment to the School, rather than as a monetary exchange for services rendered.